Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Saturday August 24, Stockholm

I guess I'm just going to fill a few things besides the actual Robyn concert (it has its own post).

I went to bed at about 4 am or later (earlier) because of the pub crawl. But I decided to get the most for my money and got up about 930 to eat breakfast. Ate with my Japanese friend (who I learned today (Tuesday) is staying in Sweden for a total of 3 months. She smartly goes to the grocery store to cut down on food costs. I said good bye to her at breakfast. Then I saw her after I checked out because I was doing a bit of planning on their wifi connection before I left. We said goodbye and nice to meet you there, too. Then I finished and went to lunch at this really good pizza place and saw her coming back from the store. We said our third goodbye! It didn't feel too awkward though, maybe the language barrier feels awkward enough. Sorry, big aside.). Then I went back to sleep. It was nice but the sun shines in the room and the traffic is fairly loud outside, so I leave the window closed. It made for a warm sleep.

I woke up closing in on 1300 (I've pretty much switched to 24 hour time because almost every establishment uses it.) and just watched some Dexter. Then I got lunch and made sure I knew where the concert was. It was right off the subway, it was so convenient. I'm sure they made a special spot for it because it is a HUGE place with a giant draw. The size even from the outside intimidated me.

Went back, changed, and then got a gyro plate (basically a kebab plate) and realized I didn't have my earplugs. What?! No way, I totally left the hotel with them. I retraced my steps andgot hella confused looks from the guys at the kebab place because they weren't English whizzes. I found them right by the pizza place and was super happy I didn't have to walk back to the hotel for them. I out them high in my pocket, so they must have worked themselves out as I walked. It was kinda gross that one was just lying on the asphalt. Oh well.

When I got to the stadium, there were approximately 47 people selling earplugs for $1.5. Hahaha, doh. Oh well, I had mine and was on time. I think the Robyn post covers it from here.

I bought a fun Robyn shirt. At the information booth, I sheepishly asked if I could meet Robyn, "I came all the the way from Los Angeles." Nope. Duh.

The next band was Winnerback (with a circle over the a, I believe). They were pretty mellow and heavily acoustic guitar based. They were okay for what they were. I just sat behind the center mixing booth to chill out and see what the headliner Kent was like.

I made sure Robyn wasn't doing an encore with the information desk. Kent was pretty good. Good rock with a keyboard that didn't dominate. I guess I saw why they were the headliner despite Robyn's success outside of Sweden. Swedish fans are fairly mellow, but there were cougar aged women dancing their hearts out at different places on the floor. Two were near me and a neat, tall blonde girl and I were just kinda keeping an eye on them, haha.

Robyn was such a great experience and I was so happy I decided to buy the ticket.

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